Top 10 Commercial Judgments

Below is a list of Commercial Judgments Loaded in the last 14 days.

Company Name Amount Judgement Date Industry
1. Ld Kelly European Transport Limited €143,756 10/06/2024 Other
2. Indeff Limited €73,465 04/06/2024 Computers
3. Thurles Wholesale Cash And Carry Limited €34,934 24/05/2024 Legal and Other Business Activities
4. Walkinstown Auto Services Limited €24,850 23/05/2024 Motor
5. Enahs Autos Limited T/As Ky Autos €24,582 23/05/2024 Other
6. Gortlough Construction Limited €24,322 30/05/2024 Construction
7. Rako Textiles Limited €23,859 27/05/2024 Other
8. Bia Restaurant Drogheda Limited €23,417 30/05/2024 Hospitality
9. L & M Retail And Hospitality Limited €22,602 06/06/2024 Other
10. Kcl Foods Limited €21,688 30/05/2024 Other
For the total value of €0.42M


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