Credit Check On Individuals

Our platform for checking the risk history of non-corporate customers is one of the most comprehensive on the market. It's powered to intuitively search and deliver results from ten consumer databases simultaneously - giving you the most insight possible on a potential personal customer.

10 Databases Searched Simultaneously


Consumer Judgments Database

Search for individuals who have had a bad debt Judgment registered
against them in the courts for non-payment of a debt.

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Directorship Search

Check if the person has been a Director of any company in the past
and view the current status of those Directorships.

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Bankruptcy Database

Identify individuals who are registered as a Bankrupt and
date of the Bankruptcy adjudication.

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Business Owners Search

View any Businesses the person may currently have
registered in their name.

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Disqualified and Restricted Person

Search the Disqualified and Restricted Directors database to see if a
person has restrictions from acting as a Director etc.

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Personal Insolvency Arrangements

Searches all Personal Insolvency Arrangements entered into by individuals
with secured finance in default up to the value of €3m. No limit on unsecured.


Debt Settlement Arrangements

Discover individuals who have entered into a Debt Settlement Arrangement
with a lending institution for a period of five years.


Debt Relief Notice

Where an individual has entered into a Debt Relief Agreement with a financial
institution where the value of the finance was less than €20,000.


Protective Certificates Search

Search Individuals who have sought protection from creditors
with a view of entering an Insolvency arrangement.


Revenue Defaulters

Search the Revenue Defaulters database for Individuals
who have defaulted.
